Cloud-based authentication server

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Cloud-based authentication server


 with a cloud-based authentication server


In this variant you do not need an own domain. You simply register your users via a web interface.

The Cordaware bestzero® authentication server for this variant is provided by Cordaware GmbH Informationslogistik.


To install and set up Cordaware bestzero® with authentication server in the cloud, please follow these steps:


1.Installing the Hive

2.Register an users email address

3.Appsbox installation

4.Add a provider to your Appsbox

5.Hive login

6.Create a new App


In the following chapters, you will learn how to set up bestzero® with authentication server in the cloud. First, start with the chapter Installing the Hive.


Frequently asked questions about Cordaware bestzero® (FAQs) can be found here.



The installation instructions are also available as a tutorial video!


- Watch the Video -